Views on Church Towers of Bad Frankenhausen - home town of our family from about 1400 until 1850

Oberkirche Bad Frankenhausen


Christmas - Weihnachten 2003

Unterkirche - View from the east
Turm der Oberkirche - View from
inside the ruine

These are photos from my this year´s visit to Frankenhausen, home town of our common ancestors. I send all my best wishes for your personal welfare and a happy and peacefull New Year to all of you! My thougts fly to all Teuthorns of Illinois, to the dear ones in the the San Francisco Bay Area und meine guten Wünsche gehen nach Greifswald - Lubmin, in den Odenwald und nach Arnsberg, a los honeymooners en Mexico, und natürlich nach Hamburg. - Peter

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